2007. 10. 15. 10:11

In this photo provided by World Cyber Games, from left, Brad Early, 16, and Andrew Bui, 16, both of Puyallup, Wash., play Halo 3 for Xbox 360 for the first time in the Microsoft competition lounge at the World Cyber Games 2007 Grand Final in Seattle, on Friday, Oct. 5, 2007. (AP Photo/World Cyber Games, Marcus R. Donner)
안에있는,사진,제공한다,밀접한관련이있는,세계사이버게임즈,출발한곳은,왼쪽,brad early,16,과,andrew bui,16,양쪽,of,Puyallup,Wash,재생 Halo 3 for xbox 360,for,첫번째,둘러싸고있는것은,Microsoft competition lounge,접하고있는면은,World Cyber Games 2007 Grand Final,둘러싸고있는것은,Seattle,접하고있는면은,금요일,2007년10월5일.
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